How to Evaluate and Mitigate Asbestos Risk in Real Estate Development Projects?

Imagine you are a real estate developer ready to transform an old building into a modern living complex. You’ve already drawn up the construction plan and secured the necessary funds. But wait, have you considered the potential environmental risks? More specifically, have you thought about asbestos?

Asbestos, a naturally occurring material, was once widely used in construction due to its fire-resistant properties. It’s now known, however, that exposure to this material can lead to serious health problems. As a result, asbestos abatement is a key consideration in any building project.

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In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps necessary to evaluate and mitigate the risk of asbestos in real estate development projects. From understanding the risks associated with asbestos to creating an effective abatement plan, you’ll be well-equipped to handle this hazardous material.

1. Understanding the Risks Associated with Asbestos

Before we dive into the specifics of asbestos abatement, it’s important to understand the risks associated with this material. Asbestos, when disturbed, releases tiny fibers into the air. When these fibers are inhaled, they can result in serious health issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

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Therefore, if a property was constructed prior to 1980, there’s a good chance it contains asbestos-based materials. Common places where asbestos can be found include insulation, floor tiles, and paint. As a responsible developer, it’s crucial to ensure an asbestos risk assessment is conducted before starting any construction project.

2. Conducting an Asbestos Survey

The first step in evaluating the risk of asbestos in a building is conducting an asbestos survey. An asbestos survey will identify the presence and extent of any asbestos-containing materials within a building. It’s critical to ensure this survey is completed by a licensed professional, who will take samples of potential asbestos materials and send them off to a lab for testing.

Remember, it’s not enough to simply visually inspect the property. Asbestos is only dangerous when airborne, so a professional survey will help determine if any asbestos-containing materials are present and if they pose a risk of becoming airborne during the construction project.

3. Creating an Asbestos Abatement Plan

If asbestos is found within the property, the next step is to create an asbestos abatement plan. This plan will detail how the asbestos will be removed or managed to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the project, as well as the future occupants of the building.

The specifics of an asbestos abatement plan will depend on the state laws and the extent of the asbestos found on-site. However, the plan will typically involve either sealing the asbestos (encapsulation) to prevent it from becoming airborne or removing it entirely (remediation).

4. Implementing Asbestos Abatement Procedures

The rule of thumb is that no construction or demolition should take place until the asbestos abatement plan is fully implemented. This means that the identified asbestos should be either encapsulated or removed, under the supervision of a trained professional.

During the abatement process, it’s important to ensure that appropriate safety measures are in place. This may include the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), proper ventilation to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers, and rigorous cleaning procedures to eliminate any remaining asbestos from the site.

5. Post-Abatement Verification

Once the asbestos abatement process is complete, a final inspection should be done to ensure all asbestos has been successfully removed or encapsulated. This inspection, often known as a clearance inspection, must be carried out by an independent certified asbestos professional.

The clearance inspection involves a visual assessment as well as air monitoring to ensure no asbestos fibers remain in the air. It’s only once this inspection has been done, and a clearance certificate issued, that construction work may resume on the property.

Remember, dealing with asbestos is not a DIY job. It’s a risky process that requires professional expertise and strict adherence to safety protocols. By understanding the risks and taking proper precautions, you can ensure your real estate development project is not just successful, but also safe for all involved.

6. Recognizing the Significance of Environmental Law

Real estate developers need to be aware of the role that environmental law plays in the management of asbestos in development projects. Environmental laws, often varying from state to state, lay out clear guidelines regarding the detection, management, and abatement of asbestos-containing materials. Violation of these laws can result in substantial penalties and legal liabilities. Therefore, understanding and adhering to these laws is not just about ensuring health and safety, but also about protecting oneself from legal repercussions.

Environmental laws stipulate that a licensed professional must conduct an asbestos survey, and in the event of asbestos detection, an asbestos abatement must take place under the supervision of a trained professional. Moreover, it is also necessary to dispose of the asbestos material in an environmentally friendly manner, in accordance with state and federal regulations.

In addition to asbestos, another health hazard for which environmental laws exist is lead-based paint. Like asbestos, lead hazards are also prevalent in buildings constructed prior to 1980. Therefore, necessary procedures for the detection and management of lead-based paint should be incorporated into the overall environmental diligence of the project.

7. Maintaining Air Quality and Implementing a Maintenance Plan

Maintaining good air quality during and post-construction is crucial not only for the health and safety of the construction workers but also for the future occupants of the property. Therefore, air monitoring should be conducted throughout the construction process to detect the presence of potentially harmful substances like asbestos fibers and vapor intrusion.

Post-abatement, it is necessary to implement a maintenance plan to ensure the continued safety of the building. This plan should include regular inspections by a certified asbestos professional to detect any potential asbestos material that may have been missed during the initial survey or abatement. The plan should also include preventive measures to avoid any future asbestos exposure, such as safe work practices and regular updates to the building materials inventory.

The maintenance plan should be documented and kept on-site for reference. It is also a good practice to provide training to the maintenance staff about the risks associated with asbestos and the steps to take if they suspect its presence.


Asbestos management is a vital aspect of any real estate development project. It requires a holistic understanding of the risks associated with asbestos, adherence to environmental laws, and a commitment to maintaining air quality and safety through methodical work practices and regular maintenance.

It is not just about being wise and proactive; it is about ensuring that your development project is successful, safe, and compliant. Hire a professional asbestos abatement contractor, conduct a thorough asbestos assessment, and implement a robust maintenance plan. Because when it comes to asbestos lead, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Remember, your diligence today can prevent serious health issues tomorrow.